Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Like The Fruit..Part 3 (Cheri's Cherries)

See Cherries......

See Cheri WITH her Cherries.....

She's more than just a fruit you know...I mean YOU may not know, but you should. (And Universal You, what I would call my band if I had one) Universal You---already knows.  She IS a fruit-no one is trying to argue that point-but she's so much more.  Oh yes faithful followers of this crazy blog...This fruit we call Cheri is more complex than her name and elementary school age-self given title would imply...Cheri is in fact if we are sticking with the food analogy---like an onion.  You know....layers..depth...each one peeled back uncovers the next.   Each layer cohesively making the onion as a whole. The most visible layers would be like that bright purple exterior on a red onion (side note, why is purple cabbage called PURPLE...but purple onions are called RED? That is not a rhetorical question...If someone knows the answer to this-I really would like to know) As I was saying...That first layer-is the all important outside-We'll call this The fashionista part of my dear friend-and does she ever have that layer- I mean seriously...This gal can take a $8.00 consignment store scarf and a clearance rack skirt-throw on a pair of boots and some bangle bracelets and HOLY COW she is all about it. Just beyond that is the humor.  I can not begin to communicate the whit and humor that make up this layer.  I won't even try....but if you saw what is pasted on the door to her office right now you would award appropriate humor points.  She's a word-smith.  She can turn a phrase like few I have known (and keep in mind I am married to a three time published author). I haven't known this fruit for long- but we have shared countless hours of banter-music, politics, travel, wishes, criticisms, complaints and compliments.   Hands down one of the coolest chicks I've known.  And just when you get all caught up in the cool, you find this "momma" layer and this wisdom layer and this "I'll challenge you to be better than you think you are" layer and the "I'm so confident in what I am doing-it is sure to rub off on you." layer. Layer after layer you find motivation, drive, determination (all those characteristics found on cheesy office posters). make your own motivational poster I fear Cheri, like the onion, doesn't have quite the appeal as it's predecessor and wouldn't want to change it anyway, however I hope to leave you with a visual depiction of this layered up fruit.  I went to my faithful friend google.com and searched "onion art"  and found this super cool digital art by Edward Kinnally- Electric Onion he calls her....beautiful...just like the fruit!