As promised, I am starting a new BIG project. The canvas size is 36x48. Literally, I could hide behind it. Answer to a question no one asked- I LOVE to paint BIG projects. I don't feel compelled to draw anything out and I am not concerned with mess ups or things like that. It's just way more fun, to me. So, yea, totally excited to start this one.
I have seen lots of really smart art projects on YouTube where the artist posts either edited video of their progress or still frame photos in sequential order-typically the images are set to some "too cool for the room" music (yea, I said it-and I guess I should disclaim at this point) I got nothing against Indie music or film as long as you are being true to yourself-what I guess I mean it's like I've said before- we get it, you are artistic, you like things "boring normal people" don't. Now might be a good time to link you back to a previous blog where I rant about
being artsy. Honestly, I suppose one of the reasons I never considered myself an artist is because I wasn't "cool" enough. Yea, even tho I sorta talk smack about the chick in miss matched
Chucks with her hair in dread locks and ugly girl-really thick black horn rimmed glasses (she doesn't even need-she has perfect vision-she just likes to wear the ugly thick glasses...I DON'T KNOW WHY? Have you been listening??? I AM NOT THAT COOL!) See, even tho I throw off on that persona, there is a part of me that likes it. *sort of secretly and from a distance- I would never admit it publicly* I like it I mean- I admire it if it is genuine. Me, personally, I am artistic and all but pretty much a conformist. Fairly main stream in my entertainment choices and certainly when it comes to clothing. I'm okay with it tho-I mean, it's who I really am.
....As I was saying, I think I will take a photo of my progress each time I paint this one. Who knows-I might stream the images together in sequential order, mix in a song and upload the finished product to YouTube. (of course by "I" I mean "TK" my medium is paint, NOT technology- seriously- I am amazed every time a blog I post actually uploads!) Now....about that music...I'll have to give it some thought...