Saturday, January 2, 2010

Crayons Crayons I love Crayons!!!!

First off I will say- I remain amazed at the power of a 60 watt light bulb.  I mean as a kid (who always covetted the easy bake ovens of my friends b/c I never had one, nor did I have a snoopy snow cone maker but that's beside the point) even as a kid I was amazed at the fact that we could bake a tiny pan of brownies in this pink oven powered by nothing more than a light bulb...I am willing to admit my deprivaty as a child is partially to blame for my giddieness over this crayon maker.  Here's the deal, The Fireman got his girl-friend/my friend Jess a crayola crayon maker for Christmas and it is great fun.  While playing with her new Christmas gift tonight-we decided to search the origin of Crayola crayon color names.  If you would like to see the current available colors you can click here. 

Here are some pictures from this evening's creativity thus far. 

The sharpener and extra new crayons.

We mixed yellow and red to make a ketchup and mustard blended crayon.  I named that color "kustard" 
We also mixed green and yellow and named it "sprite"
The picture you see here is of the crayons melting.

The melted crayons are poured into the mold.

I love this!


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