Friday, March 20, 2015

Rise Above....managed expectations and also Don't Get Your Hopes Up. Rise above that too.

I say "don't get your hopes up" is the worst advice we are given and we as humans should rise above that. It's utter nonsense at it's best. I say your hopes are already up or we wouldn't be having this imaginary conversation so go on and get your hopes on up. Get them way up-expect the best! Hope for it! PLAN for your dreams to come true. Seriously what good does it do to "manage your expectations?" Limit the amount of excitement you have over a particular something? (I'm going to only half hope I get the promotion, that way if someone else gets it I won't be as sad. What? Nonsense!) Are you any less wounded when things don't work out because you said "I'm not getting my hopes up?" Of course not. Disappointment is disappointing no matter how you manage your expectations. So I say again-rise above that-take a risk-even if it's with your heart. Invest fully and passionately in the thing you have hopes for and if it doesn't work out? Start over! You as a person have always overcome no matter what disappointments fell upon you- you've
endured some major heart breaks and set backs and perhaps even devastation. Alas! here you are! Your track record proves it- you ALWAYS come thru! So go on! Be fearless! Let your hopes get way way up and use those hopes to Rise Above once more!

Happy happy birthday Shanda! I hope it is awesome!!!

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