Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Rise Above...Worry

Day 4 Rise Above....Worry

I mean honestly, think back to all the things you have worried over.  Ask yourself did you really worry your best about it? Be honest, did you give that situation you could not control a 100% effort of worry? If not then maybe if you HAD worried more or with more diligence you might have been able to change the outcome, I just don't know for sure. What I do know for sure is this: If I worry about something- I go all in.  B2TW, No holding back, 1000% of my worrying ability is spent well...worrying about it. It's genetic, Big Ken, My Daddio is like a world champion worrier. I am just naturally good at worrying. Even still- with all my mad worry skills I have never been able to change anything by worrying.  It's crazy. It's almost like...oh I don't know, worrying doesn't help AT ALL...weird.

I suppose it's good to be reminded: worrying is a dreadful use of your imagination. (See what I did there?) I recently learned paper lanterns, often used in ceremonies and celebrations in Asian cultures, were actually the first hot air balloons. Cool right? Now get THIS- in Thailand people write their worries on a paper lantern. Then light the lantern and symbolically release the concerns. Smile. I love that. So much. This painting is for sale. Contact me for info.

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