Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"Peace and Love"

If you can find the "Peace and Love" in this picture you win a prize. Okay well there is no prize but you will  know you validate me the artist. 
Question of the day...(feel free to answer quietly to yourself or reply via comment to this post if you so wish.)
What is the best present or surprise you have ever been given?  I asked my Fitness Director turned Trainer turned Friend turned "WONDER TWIN" that question a few years back. And yes by "A few years back" I mean it was a Sunday, in July, 2010 and I was wearing a red sun dress about to eat dinner provided by another friend and her husband, yes yes that's how my mind works. But really those details are not important. The interaction when like this:

Me: "What is the best present or surprise you have ever been given."
 about a half a second pause..
WT: "My bicycle" 

I myself do not have a road bike but I spent an hour every Tuesday and Thursday of 2009 in a Spinning class and I will admit to solving not only health issues while riding in place but the vast majority of the world's problems as I sat on that torture device they called a "cushioned" seat. It is true, I do not love to ride but in fairness? A booty like this and a seat like that were never meant to be so close. However,  my  friends who ride tell me of their grand adventures on the road and how they can think clear and sort things out while they ride and enjoy the beauty.  Must be something to that, Albert Einstein once said "I thought of it while riding my bicycle." He was talking about The Theory of Relativity.

Happy Happy Happiest of Birthdays WT! May your year be filed with miles and miles and miles of smiles!
And now....a little music for ya! 

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